【商品説明】 Product DescriptionOperation Zitadelle, the great German offensive against the Kursk salient in July 1943, was the last great clash of armor on the Eastern Front and the greatest tank battle ever fought. Over the course of two weeks, over 6,000 German and Soviet tanks battled for supremacy. The Soviet victory represented the first successful, major Soviet summer battle of the war and set the stage for the long Soviet march to Berlin. Featuring strong 3-D graphics, rare archive film, and the unique insights of leading authorities on armored warfare, this is a powerful look into the greatest clash of armor in World War II.
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War File: Tanks the Battle of Kursk [DVD]
Product DescriptionOperation Zitadelle, the great German offensive against the Kursk salient in July 1943, was the last great clash of armor on the Eastern Front and the greatest tank battle ever fought. Over the course of two weeks, over 6,000 German and Soviet tanks battled for supremacy. The Soviet victory represented the first successful, major Soviet summer battle of the war and set the stage for the long Soviet march to Berlin. Featuring strong 3-D graphics, rare archive film, and the unique insights of leading authorities on armored warfare, this is a powerful look into the greatest clash of armor in World War II.
(中古品)War File: Tanks the Battle of Kursk [DVD]///Product DescriptionOperation Zitadelle, the great German offensive against the Kursk salient in July 1943, was the last great clash of armor on the Eastern Front and the greatest tank battle ever fought. Over the course of two weeks, over 6,000 German and Soviet tanks battled for supremacy. The Soviet victory represented the first successful, major Soviet summer battle of the war and set the stage for the long Soviet march to Berlin. Featuring strong 3-D graphics, rare archive film, and the unique insights of leading authorities on armored warfare, this is a powerful look into the greatest clash of armor in World War II.