【商品説明】 Mouthing Off 内容紹介The much-anticipated third album from BYU's award-winning a capella group Vocal Point. It features their usual exuberance, their inimitable vocal percussion and their wide range of musical styles. Mouthing Off has a favorite song for everyone, no matter what may be your favorite style. (Don't miss their rendition of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing favorite rock songs!)Product DescriptionThe much-anticipated third album from BYU's award-winning a capella group Vocal Point. It features their usual exuberance, their inimitable vocal percussion and their wide range of musical styles. Mouthing Off has a favorite song for everyone, no matter what may be your favorite style. (Don't miss their rendition of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing favorite rock songs!)
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Mouthing Off
Mouthing Off
内容紹介The much-anticipated third album from BYU's award-winning a capella group Vocal Point. It features their usual exuberance, their inimitable vocal percussion and their wide range of musical styles. Mouthing Off has a favorite song for everyone, no matter what may be your favorite style. (Don't miss their rendition of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing favorite rock songs!)Product DescriptionThe much-anticipated third album from BYU's award-winning a capella group Vocal Point. It features their usual exuberance, their inimitable vocal percussion and their wide range of musical styles. Mouthing Off has a favorite song for everyone, no matter what may be your favorite style. (Don't miss their rendition of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing favorite rock songs!)
(中古品)Mouthing Off////Mouthing Off/内容紹介The much-anticipated third album from BYU's award-winning a capella group Vocal Point. It features their usual exuberance, their inimitable vocal percussion and their wide range of musical styles. Mouthing Off has a favorite song for everyone, no matter what may be your favorite style. (Don't miss their rendition of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing favorite rock songs!)Product DescriptionThe much-anticipated third album from BYU's award-winning a capella group Vocal Point. It features their usual exuberance, their inimitable vocal percussion and their wide range of musical styles. Mouthing Off has a favorite song for everyone, no matter what may be your favorite style. (Don't miss their rendition of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing favorite rock songs!)