●メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック) ●商品名:ステンレス・マニフォールドガード R1200GS(2013-) ●メーカー品番:tt_01-045-5065-0 ●JANコード:4573209225988 商品の保証は、メーカー保証書の内容に準じます。 ●備考 水平対向エンジンのレイアウト上、外部に露出しているマニフォールドを予期しない外部からの衝撃や損傷からプロテクトすることができる非常にシンプルでコストパフォーマンスの高い保護パーツです。 美しくレーザーカットされたステンレス製。 Due to the position of the boxer engine of the R1200GS, unlike on other motorbikes, the manifolds are far over to the outside, completely free and exposed. Travelling over rough and smooth, there is always a risk of scratching a manifold on something or getting stuck. The consequences − dents, scratches or, in the worst case scenario, holes. We have the solution: the heat protection shield by Touratech provides optimum protection for the manifold. A useful and inexpensive accessory that usually pays for itself the first time it’s used. This heat shield is made from laser−cut stainless steel. The design blends perfectly with the overall look of the new R1200GS. Very simple, fast and secure mounting. ●写真注意 ※画像はイメージです。
●メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック)
●商品名:ステンレス・マニフォールドガード R1200GS(2013-)
Due to the position of the boxer engine of the R1200GS, unlike on other motorbikes, the manifolds are far over to the outside,
completely free and exposed.
Travelling over rough and smooth, there is always a risk of scratching a manifold on something or getting stuck.
The consequences − dents, scratches or, in the worst case scenario, holes.
We have the solution: the heat protection shield by Touratech provides optimum protection for the manifold.
A useful and inexpensive accessory that usually pays for itself the first time it’s used.
This heat shield is made from laser−cut stainless steel. The design blends perfectly with the overall look of the new R1200GS.
Very simple, fast and secure mounting.
●メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック)
●商品名:ステンレス・マニフォールドガード R1200GS(2013-)