G.SKILL Ripjaws DDR4 SO-DIMM kit is the ideal system upgrade and provides faster data transfer and higher energy efficiency than ever. Experience a new standard of speed with Ripjaws DDR4 SO-DIMM today! 全国送料無料!海外在庫商品の為、お届けまでに通常10−20日程お時間を頂いております。税関にて開封される場合がございますが、ご了承ください。海外から輸送中に外箱等に、若干のイタミなどが生じる場合もございますが、商品に問題はございません。どうかご了承ください。
G.SKILL Ripjaws DDR4 SO-DIMM kit is the ideal system upgrade and provides faster data transfer and higher energy efficiency than ever. Experience a new standard of speed with Ripjaws DDR4 SO-DIMM today!